[PS3] Max Payne 3 Save Game Game Save

[PS3] Max Payne 3 Save Game Game Save
About Save: 100%Publisher : Rockstar Games
Developper :
Type : Action
Max Payne 3 is an action game developed by Rockstar PlayStation 3. It follows Max Payne 2. The hero has changed somewhat since her last look of adventures. It is now bald with a beard well maintained and chocolate wafers are now replaced by a small can of beer. Max finds himself once again confronted with cases of treason and murder and must speak dust!
Unzip the archive on your USB drive and copy the file respecting the structure PS3/SAVEDATA/BLES00942.
nsert the USB device into your PS3.
Go to the Savegame manager from the XMB and you’ll have your save.
Caution: If the words “corrupt data” appears is that the USB transfer mode is not good. The other way known way is FTP (only Jailbreak PS3). We do not provide methods for the jailbreak.