[PS3] Just Cause 2 Game Save

[PS3] Just Cause 2 Game Save
About Save: 30%Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Avalanche Studios
Type: Action
France Released: March 26, 2010
Find the character Rico Rodriguez in Just Cause 2 on Playstation 3 , an action game set in the supercharged Asian Panau Islands and 1000 km ² offering searchable on board many vehicles. At your disposal a wide array of weapons to complete your missions you can complete in beauty with waterfalls. Also, use the parachute and grappling hook to get you out of dangerous situations, ensuring your survival in a hostile environment.
Unzip the archive on your USB drive and copy the file respecting the structure PS3/SAVEDATA/XXXXXXXXXX.
Insert the USB device into your PS3.
Go to the manager of Savegames from the XMB and you’ll save your.