[PS3] Heavenly Sword Game Save

[PS3] Heavenly Sword Game Save
About Save: 100%Publisher: Sony
Developer: Ninja Theory Type: Action
France Released: September 19, 2007
Heavenly Sword is an action game on PS3 . Chased by Bohan, Nariko and her family must flee, but the heroine of the game decides to use the sword to get banned for its purposes and save his people. Advance through the levels fighting against numerous enemies will do anything to make you fail in your quest. Boss for levels and changes of your sword are also scheduled.
Unzip the archive on your USB drive and copy the file respecting the structure PS3/SAVEDATA/XXXXXXXXXX.
Insert the USB device into your PS3.
Go to the manager of Savegames from the XMB and you’ll save your.