[PC] Rayman Origins Game Save

[PC] Rayman Origins Game Save
About Save: 100% - Available all levels - All characters are available - All Elektuny foundPublisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
Type Platforms
Rayman Origins is a game on PC platforms. The title offers an old-fashioned gameplay in two dimensions and to return to the roots of the series. Through nearly 60 levels, the player must release small creatures called Electoons collect Lums and being wary of traps and many enemies ahead. Rayman Origins can be played by 4 in cooperation locally.
XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \% user-name% \ My Documents \ My Games \ Rayman Origins \
Win7: C: \ Users \% user-name% \ My Documents \ My Games \ Rayman Origins \
Xbox Live:
XP C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ XLIV
Win7: C: \ Users \ Home%% \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Xlive \