PC Evoland 2 Game Save

PC Evoland 2 Game Save

About Save: 100%

Evoland 2 is the spiritual successor to the original Evoland with its graphics style changing as you travel through time and its gameplay evolving as you move along the storyline. It is also a much bigger game and a classic RPG at heart, with a complex scenario based on time travel, dozens of characters with their own backgrounds and ambitions and vastly different gameplay styles that are linked to the story and the player’s actions.

1. Extract the .zip archive
2. Copy savegame files to

* Steam version
\Steam\userdata\[steam user id number]\359310

replace and [steam user id number] by your steam folder and id number, example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\999555\359310

* Other version
– if you are using 3DM version

replace by your game folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Evoland 2\Save


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