PC Deponia Doomsday Game Save

PC Deponia Doomsday Game Save
About Save: THE GAME DONE 100%, 68 CHECKPOINTSThe archive contains two folders (for 1.0.0217 and 1.1.0242 versions).
Copy the contents of a folder to the Savegames folder.
Windows 7/8/10: C: \ Users \ * username * \ AppData \ Local \ Daedalic Entertainment GmbH \ Deponia 4 \ Savegames \
Steam version:
/ * User * / Library / Application Support / Daedalic Entertainment GmbH / Deponia 4 / Savegames /
For the version of Apple App Store and other online stores:
/Users/*user*/Library/Containers/de.daedalic.deponia4.mac/Data/Library/Application Support / Daedalic Entertainment GmbH / Savegames /
/home/*user*/.local/share/Daedalic Entertainment GmbH / Deponia 4 / Savegames