[PC] Crysis 3 Save Game Game Save

[PC] Crysis 3 Save Game Game Save
About Save: General progression 92,98% - Progress (Rookie) - 7/7 - Progress (Soldier) - 7/7 - Progress (Veteran) - 7/7 - Progress (super soldiers) - 7/7 - Progress (Warrior of the future) - 7/7 - Modules improvements - 16/16 - Weapon Modules - 19/20 - Data Cell - 28/41 - Data Blocks - 5/6 - The black boxes - 15/20 - Time in the campaign - 6h. 56min. 58s RLD version Fix V2Publisher : Electronic Arts
Developer :
Type : FPS
Crysis 3 is a shooter first person shooter (FPS) on PC. In 2047, New York became a form of jungle from its investment in a nano-dome designed by paramilitary forces CELL. The Prophet commands, you must defeat this protection dummy cache bleak intentions.
Copy files into game folder
C: \ Users \% user name% \ Saved Games \ Crysis3