[PC] Assassins Creed Revelations Save Game Game Save

[PC] Assassins Creed Revelations Save Game Game Save
About Save: Story completed. 50% full synchronizationPublisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Type: Action / Platform
Assassin’s Creed : Revelations is an action-adventure game on PC. With new weapons and abilities, the assassin Ezio is more determined than ever, and tries to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor Altair . The plot takes you in many cities such as Masyaf , Constantinople , Cappadocia or Rhodes . The game also allows multiplayer s’étriper cheerfully.
Unzip the archive into the game folder
C:Users”Votre compte utilisateur”AppDataLocalUbisoft Game Launchersavegame_storageXXXXXXX=40