Dead Rising 3 : Apocalypse Save Game Game Save

Dead Rising 3 : Apocalypse Save Game Game Save
Dead Rising 3 is a survival horror game that was developped by Capcom Vancouver and published by Microsoft Studios but the game was released only for two platforms such Xbox one and Microsoft Windows. The game has larger environment than Dead Rising 2 and there are some new features to create combo weapons and combo vehicles. When starting the game, you will control a protagonist named Nick Ramos. Your missions are basedly on killing to many undeads. You can save your progress anywhere. That is a good feature compared to old ones. And also there is ” Nightmare Mode” which have time limits and old kind of save options. (you can save only in toilets) Hope you guys enjoy it!
How to Install:
Copy “Dead Rising 3” folder;
C:\Users\”windows account name”\My Documents\My Games